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__SetGraphics()           Initialize graphics mode and establish system variables
__SetVideo()              Set the dGE video mode for EGA of VGA
__SetResources()          Set the dGE resource search path
__SetPalette()            Set the graphics screen background color
__ClearGScreen()          Clear the graphics screen
__ClearGWindow()          Clear a window area in the graphics screen
__ResetGArray()           Reset the dGE internal array
__ScaleGArray()           Adjust the scale of data
__SetDrawArea()           Restrict drawing to a window area
__SaveGScreen()           Save an area of the graphics screen
__RestGScreen()           Restore a saved area of the graphics screen
__ShadeArea()             Fill an enclosed area
__DrawFrame()             Draw box
__DrawCircle()            Draw a circle
__DrawLine()              Draw a line

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson